Myriota, Everywhere. Global leaders in low-cost, low-power, secure direct-to-orbit satellite connectivity for the Internet of Things.
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About Myriota
Australian based Myriota are global leaders in secure, low-cost and low-power, data connectivity, pioneering new ways to retrieve information from anywhere on earth, through their constellation of nanosatellites.
Myriota’s partners are shaping the future of IoT devices, delivering solutions for the real world using the Myriota satellite platform and infrastructure.
Industry Applications
Customers that can benefit from Myriota satellite connectivity include agriculture, environmental monitoring, mining, oil & gas, water and utilities. Myriota offers a reliable service to send small packets of data at affordable rates.
With no need for gateways or towers, Myriota enabled devices need only an open sky view to connect.
Transmit data from sensors and assets, with high security and at low power. Myriota Satellite connectivity for IoT is ideal for tank or dam levels, rain gauge readings, and equipment monitoring.