The Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk (MDR) is a public broadcaster in central Germany. Founded in 1991, MDR employs 2,100 staff and is a member of the ARD, a joint organization of Germany’s regional public service broadcasters. MDR broadcasts news, information, education, and entertainment over television, radio, and internet podcasts.
As a broadcaster, MDR’s reputation relies on stable live broadcasts where interruptions are unacceptable. MDR needs a router solution that can support outdoor broadcasts and is capable of failover to improve reliability and security. MDR also needs a long-term provider that doesn’t have long lead times and allows them to make capacities available quickly.

MDR’s solution included partnering MAX Transit Duos with MAX HD4s, which facilitated stable high-speed SD-WAN connections free of interference and capable of quick transfers. They also deployed three Balance 710 hubs with two at separate locations. The third acted as a backup to network the data centers and created geo-redundancy for the end devices.
“The versatile product range including above all the central management platform InControl and the flexibility of the network routing corresponded exactly to our ideas. Uwe Schumann, Transmission Systems, and Networks Department at MDR”
MDR was able to bundle all available bandwidths together to ensure reliable data transmissions at all times with this configuration. Additionally, the router solutions provided support in different application scenarios such as audio over IP for radio broadcasting, online reporting, or the transfer of contributions and raw material between the outdoor broadcasting locations and the headquarters. This saved MDR time and money.